There are many books and publications on the topic of public participation and transport planning. [7]
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General Overview
Type of stakeholder
EICS Framework
Region of Reference
This type of intervention entails including the public in decision-making processes prior to enforcing or implementing public transport plans or policies. Public engagement is obtaining public feedback to assist government agencies, political leaders, and non-profit groups responsible for administering public policies and programs in making decisions [4]. Public engagement presents a number of challenges, three of which are highlighted here.
These include planning an event that is accessible to all key stakeholders, i.e., scheduling it at a convenient time and location, communicating with and receiving feedback from those in attendance, and pursuing continuous involvement that results in meaningful decision-making that reflects community values [4,5].
Facts/Illustrations/Case studies
Types of Impact
Area Impacted
- To/from the stop/station/rank✓
- Waiting for train/bus/paratransit✓
- In the vehicle✓
- At interchanges✓
Time of Day of Impact
- Day-time travel✓
- Night-time travel✓
- Peak-time travel✓
- Off peak-time travel✓
Mode Impacted
- Bus✓
- Train✓
- Rideshare✓
- 4 wheelers informal✓
- 3 wheelers informal✓
- 2 wheelers informal✓
- Cycling✓
- Walking✓
Demographic impacted
- Girls✓
- Boys✓
- Adult Women✓
- Men✓
- Elderly Women✓
SWOT Analysis
Can be designed to integrate the views, concerns, and issues of the public into the decision-making process
Multiple methods of testimony are allowed at public meetings
The public buys into decisions made
Budget restrictions may limit expenditure
Can cause delays
Virtual and in-person meetings (post covid)
A minimum of two (2) weeks for advance notice of public meetings required
Varied meeting times are needed, in order to allow for the participation of people with different work/school schedules to attend
All in-person meetings in locations easily accessible by public transit.
This intervention can be quite effective since it allows some diverse audiences to participate in decision-making, shift power, and create an equal process; this requires hiring trustworthy advocates from the communities you are attempting to target to help you with this intervention [7].
- Perception by (female) passengers
- Perception by governing bodies
- Level of confidence in these ratings
Implementing this intervention may take time depending on the solution employed. Benefits arise while the intervention is carried out and continue to accumulate as projects are implemented.
Implementation timeframe
- 0-1 year✓
- 1-3 years✓
- >3 years✓
Timeframe to realise benefits
- 0-1 year✕
- 1-3 years✓
- >3 years✓
Scale of Implementation
All areas could be impacted depending on what is being implemented
Ease of Implementation
This intervention can take a significant amount of effort to implement, and it may take some time to implement and see the benefits.
List of References
1. Phala SV. Assessment of Public Participation Process in the Comprehensive Integrated Transport Planning Process of The City of Johannesburg : 2003-2013. 2019;(December):2003-2013.
North America
4. Quick; Kathryn S., Zhao Z. Suggested Design and Management Techniques for Enhancing Public Engagement in Transportation Policymaking. 2011:52.
5. Wagner J. Measuring performance of public engagement in transportation planning. Transp Res Rec. 2013;(2397):38-44. doi:10.3141/2397-05
6. Griffin GP, Stoeltje G, Geiselbrecht T, Simek C, Ettelman B, Metsker-Galarza M. Performance Measures for Public Participation Methods. 2018.
7. Marisa Denker, Mike Flynn, Samantha Donovan, Theresa Carr AZ. It’s Time for Public Participation to Evolve With Transportation Planning. Published 2021. Accessed February 7, 2022.