Transport for London specifies very clearly what constitutes sexual harassment on the public transport network, what to report and what to do if one witnesses harassment. Once an incident is reported and the police have decided it is a crime, an assigned police officer helps through the process. Victims or witnesses can report an incident on the bus network at, text British Transport Police on 61016, call 0800 40 50 40 or report online at
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General Overview
Type of stakeholder
EICS Framework
Region of Reference
In order to bring perpetrators to justice and decrease sexual harassment and assault, it is essential that incidents be reported as soon as possible by both victims and bystanders. A hotline is a number that is assigned exclusively to reporting incidents. It can be both an emergency or a non-emergency hotline number, with either a police number or an independent number established by the transport authority that links to police via them.
A hotline entails that the calls will be immediately received, and a mechanism is already in place to follow up on the complaints.
Facts/Illustrations/Case studies
Types of Impact
Area Impacted
- To/from the stop/station/rank✓
- Waiting for train/bus/paratransit✓
- In the vehicle✓
- At interchanges✓
Time of Day of Impact
- Day-time travel✓
- Night-time travel✓
- Peak-time travel✓
- Off peak-time travel✓
Mode Impacted
- Bus✓
- Train✓
- Rideshare✓
- 4 wheelers informal✓
- 3 wheelers informal✓
- 2 wheelers informal✓
- Cycling✓
- Walking✓
Demographic impacted
- Girls✓
- Boys✓
- Adult Women✓
- Men✓
- Elderly Women✓
SWOT Analysis
Scalable to suit a wide range of budgets
Rollout can be fast and effective
Stable technology with much experience to learn from globally
System is only effective if those receiving the calls are adequately trained and have the capacity to respond immediately and appropriately
Less effective in the context of informal transport without number plates and recognition identity
Reduction in criminal activities more broadly
Can aid existing law enforcement agencies to exercise their mandate more effectively and efficiently
Can be used as a mapping tool for place, time and types of incidence occurence
In larger cities with extensive transport networks, a large no. of incidences being reported can be difficult to follow up
If proper follow up is not undertaken and reported to the general population, trust in such systems will quickly diminish
The intervention will not be as effective if immediate action is not undertaken and noticed by the general public. If security personnel are trained to respond immediately the intervention will be more effective. There is thus a relatively low level of perception of effectiveness (by female passengers) if immediate action is not undertaken and noticed by the general public. Medium to high level of confidence perception of effectiveness (by governing bodies) as they generally tend to equate establishing a system as being equal to being an effective system.
- Perception by (female) passengers
- Perception by governing bodies
- Level of confidence in these ratings
Implementation timeframe
- 0-1 year✓
- 1-3 years✕
- >3 years✕
Timeframe to realise benefits
- 0-1 year✓
- 1-3 years✕
- >3 years✕
Scale of Implementation
This intervention will be most effective when implemented at a city or more localised scale.
Ease of Implementation
Relatively easy to implement but a network needs to be in place to monitor and respond to the calls made on hotline.
List of References
1. Mikhail, G. 2020. Egypt moves fight against harassment to its trains. [2022, January 28].
2. Victoria Police. 2021. Public Transport Safety. [2022, January 28].
3. Transport for London. n.d. Report sexual harassment - Transport for London. [2022, January 28].
North America
4. Peace Over Violence. n.d. Off Limits Hotline. [2022, January 28].
5. RAINN. n.d. The National Sexual Assault Online Hotline. [2022, January 28].
6. Ontario Government. 2021. Get help if you are experiencing violence. [2022, January 28].
7. Chicago Transit Authority. n.d. Anti-Harassment Campaign. [2022, January 28].
South America
9.World Bank, 2022 “Integrating Gender Considerations into public transport policies and operations promising practices”